Media Planning Philosophy

SMY Media’s planning staff operate under the title media director and are experienced, seasoned negotiators prior to becoming planners. They are uniquely qualified to develop effective media plans while providing clients with realistic insights into the media process.

We view every plan differently, but there are certain principles of media planning that form the bedrock of our philosophy:

  • SMY Media’s plans are media work plans because they are continually changing and evolving.

  • We work to gain in-depth knowledge of our clients’ business and the agencies’ approach so our plans can be more effective.

  • We utilize the cumulative and varied experience of our top media personnel in brainstorming sessions, internally and with our clients, to consider the merits of several approaches and then systematically progress toward a recommendation.

  • We use all available syndicated, proprietary and industry research to develop strategic and innovative solutions to our clients’ media and marketing needs.

  • Given the increasing fragmentation of audience resulting from the proliferation of advertising and media vehicles, combined with the narrowness of many target markets, we are creative and diligent in searching out and recommending media opportunities that enhance a client’s marketing objectives.

  • We continually educate our staff on new media, products, services, research and approaches.

Media Buying Philosophy

Everyone claims to be different – but we truly are. SMY Media is one of the few media companies that buy all broadcast direct from the stations.

By negotiating directly with the stations, our clients reap the following benefits:

  • Our negotiators’ understanding of the local marketplace provides added knowledge over the traditional rating book data.

  • Dealing with those in charge of pricing and inventory control, assures us of the best rates and opportunities.

  • Ability to work with the promotions manager to attain the finest promotions and value-added media

  • Quicker turnaround on schedule placements and changes which can be critical to the campaign’s success

  • Better ability to monitor schedules, more timely handling of makegoods and avoidance of, or quicker, reconciliation of problems which would interfere with the schedules running as ordered

These factors result in more effective and efficient media buys.

Our buyers are called negotiators for a reason. Our goal is to get the most efficient rate possible and have the media property feel like we are their partner. Each buy is viewed as an opportunity to sell our rate or idea to the media. This takes a more-experienced negotiator than traditional media buying.

Media Buying and Stewardship

Electronic Media

  • Negotiate for specific goals

  • Provide Brand Time Schedule for each market and campaign
    - Detail by station and time period of programs purchased and the target audience estimates for each

  • Provide Brand Performance Summary for each market and campaign
    - Summary detail of target audience goals vs. purchased by daypart
  • Radio Rankers
    - Indicate stations utilized on schedule

  • Summary recap for multi-market campaigns
    - Number of spots
    - Target ratings
    - Gross impressions
    - Reach and frequency
    - Cost

  • Monitor schedules and handle all makegoods
    - Computer schedules issued to each station
    - Require verbal confirmations within 24 hours
    - Require written confirmations (contracts) from all stations within 72 hours of order

Print and Out-Of-Home

  • Negotiate for specific goals: demographic and geographic

  • Provide flow-charted recap of scheduling

  • Provide chart with ad specs, closing dates and material deadlines
  • Summary recap
    - Number of publications/inserts, boards, buses, etc.
    - Target ratings
    - Gross impressions
    - Reach and frequency
    - Cost

  • Require contracts for all media prior to insertion closing date or prior to posting of boards

  • For outdoor, written confirmation of posting and locations is required within 10 days of posting date.


Electronic Media

  • Creative specifications
  • Coordination of creative rotations, vendor tags

  • Integration with creative agency or production house

  • Forwarding of materials and instructions to media outlets

Print and Out-Of-Home

  • Insertion/Posting orders issued to each vendor


Electronic Media

  • Affidavit Checking
  • Each affidavit is computer checked for
    - day, date and time
    - unit length
    - cost
    - horizontal and vertical rotation

  • Each affidavit is manually checked for
    - commercial ID


  • Specific issue of publication (or tearsheet for newspaper) in which ad runs is required for each insertion (though publications bill on closing).

Post-Buy Analysis

  • SMY performs post-buy analyses for all broadcast media schedules airing in Nielsen/Arbitron-measured markets:

  • Television - is computer-posted based on the day and quarter hour in which each spot ran as reported on the station affidavit.  Ratings and audience data are taken from the Nielsen Station Index report for the market that is most reflective of the season in which the schedule aired.

  • Radio - is computer-posted based on the day and hour in which each spot aired as reported on the station affidavits.  Ratings and audience data are taken from the Arbitron Ratings market report on which the schedule was negotiated.

  • SMY guarantees schedules to deliver no less than 90% of purchased TRPs or client receives difference between 90% and actual delivery back in additional ratings on the next flight.


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